Priscilla Cortez, MSW, LMSW
Bilingual Therapist
Pronouns: she/her/ella
Language(s): English & Spanish
Location(s): Telehealth
Insurances Accepted: Washtenaw Health Plan.
Education & Training:
MSW, University of Michigan, School of Social Work
Professional Interests: Priscilla has experience in trauma-informed care and structured approaches, such as Dialectical Behavior Therapy, and Prolonged Exposure therapy. "I am passionate about working with individuals devastated by loss, disappointment, or anxiety as a result of trauma in their lives."
Approach to Therapy: Priscilla works with individuals to find courage in the face of trauma, grief, and loss, while taking steps to build a life worth living. "I am an avid believer in the human capacity to grow and heal when given the opportunity to make meaningful connections with oneself and others.” Informed by cognitive behavior therapy models, as well as multicultural perspectives on human development and spirituality, Priscilla brings a nonjudgmental, and curious approach to listening and exploring life with her clients.
Selected Professional Experience: Priscilla has experience working with individuals, groups and families in community-based settings from a variety of backgrounds, cultures, and paths in life. Priscilla is committed to serving those who navigate life as immigrants, have experienced severe mental illness, and need support in finding meaning from life’s hurts and hangups. She has provided mentorship and teaching as a lecturer at the University of Michigan’s School of Social Work.